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Blogging from my S3

Hello! This is my first post of 2013 and it's using my mobile phone S3 ! I had a lot of first times this year...braces,  wisdom tooth extraction,  getting cold sores and learning something new (shall not disclose it yet).
Today is the 2nd day after my wisdom tooth extraction at Mount Elizabeth Novena Specialist centre... Dr Wee Tze Haur from The Oral Maxillofacial Practice extracted my upper right 3rd molar and did a surgery on the bottom right 3rd premolar.
They really have an operating theatre and they covered me up including my eyes during the procedure. I did local anaesthesia and Dr Wee injected 4 shots of anaesthesia into my right and gums! That was really not a very pleasant experience. I give the pain a 6 out of 10. The rest of the procedure was basically drilling and tugging and stitching after that.
Dr Wee is a really gentle and friendly dentist. After the procedure, Dr Wee asked if I wanted to keep the teeth and give my Fiance. Now I immediately question in my heart... how in the world did He know I am engaged???  But I didn't have the mouth to talk and Just mumbled thank you and Went out to collect my Medication n MC... maybe I will ask him when I go back for review next week ╮(╯_╰)╭
My sis had accompanied me to the clinic and before that we went to try the Baskin Robbins ice cream I have been wanting to try for a long time!  There was this promotion of $6.50 for 8 flavours But the scoops are really peanuts. Nevertheless, I wanted to try the flavours So I bought it. Oh and they ran out of waffle biscuit that were supposed to come with it. I loved the cotton candy flavour,  such a pretty purple and pink color and really tasted like Cotton Candy!!!!  The almond pistachio was great too.
After that we went to look for a wallet for my sister at Samantha Vega and Samantha Thavasa at both Wisma Atria and Ion. I sponsored her 2/3 of the of the wallet as a early birthday present... In the end she chose this champagne colour wallet from Samantha Vega which was a new arrival. We both really like this wallet!  But I still love my very own Samantha Thavasa blue long wallet from Baby ..
Back to my wisdom tooth... I'm having a swollen right face now but it isn't as bad as I expected. I wonder if there are any wisdom teeth left in my lower jaw because Dr Wee mentioned He may leave some inside If it is too near the nerves. Got stiff jaw and some aching still... Hope it gets well really soon!

signing off here, 
Harumi <3